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AAGL's vision is to be a regional center of excellence for high-energy physics and astrophysics, nuclear physics and nuclear medicine, as well as for the advancement of scientific research, health, IT and economic development.

Latest Research

The traditional topic of YerPhI is the development of new particle detectors. Wide spark chambers and transition radiation detectors are examples of the experimental techniques developed and implemented in YerPhI. During the last years, groups of scientists from Yerevan Physics Institute have actively participated in intermediate and high energy physics experiments abroad (JLAB, DESY, CERN-LHC, MAX-lab, MAMI), exploring the meson and nucleon structures, electromagnetic interactions of the nucleon, quark-hadron duality, short-range nucleon-nucleon correlations, quark hadronization in nuclear medium, physics beyond the standard model, Higgs boson searches, quark-gluon plasma, fission and fragmentation of nuclei and hypernuclei and many other topics, as well as constructing experimental hardware and develop the software for data acquisition and analysis.


The theoretical department assures major achievements in the following areas: B-meson physics, QCD and Related Phenomenology, Neutrino physics, Quantum Field Theory, String/M-theory, Integrable Models, Statistical physics, Condensed Matter and Quantum Information. These results are internationally recognized and highly cited.

Among the recent achievements are the discovery of sharp knee in light components of primary cosmic rays, detection of the highest energy protons accelerated on the Sun, and the creation of Aragats space environmental centre in 2000 for the studies of the solar-terrestrial connection.

Northern Lights
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